21 mayo 2018

Animales de poder / Ollie Man the cat / The jumping Heart fable (fragment)

Ollie Man at Milton Court, Dorking, UK
@thevicchannel (Personal IG)
@vicmonteroescritor (Writing IG)

Daría literalmente mi vida por los animales de poder que ha sabido ofrecerme este camino. Te veo pronto, amigo.
El siguiente fragmento forma parte de un proyecto de fábulas para niños (por ahora en inglés) que publicaré en 2019.

I would literally give my life for the power animals that this road has been able to offer me. I’ll see you soon, my friend.
Next fragment is part of a fable project for children that I’ll publish in 2019.

THE JUMPING HEART (a Milton Court fable)

“Then, Ollie Man came over and scratched the Chicken House's door with his paws.

- Pim-row! Feather! Come on, wake up, I know you are sleeping standing up!
- Who dares? – A yelling sounded from the inside.
- I'm Ollie, here is a lost child looking for advice.
- I don't need advice! – said Heart.
- Do you know how to get back to the pen to sleep warm, and be there for breakfast time tomorrow?

Heart thought about it. He had forgotten the way back, and he was a bit nervous because Charly Pony looked at him like a grandad, and he had never met his grandad before.”

Vic Montero

#ollie #ollieman #olliethecat #olliemancat #cat #catsofinstagram #catlover#catpeople #field #countryside #countrycat #farmcat #farm #fable #farmfable#catfables #calf #calffarm #heart #heartcalf #miltoncourt #sondesplacefarm#dorking #fencing #green #poweranimal #catpower #ukcountryside#surreyhills #fableforchildren #childrensbooks #kidsfables #comingsoon2019 #fabula #cuentosinfantiles #cuentos #gato #gatodeinstagram #gatodeldia #catoftheday #gatofabuloso #gatodecampo #animaldepoder #amigos #hermanosespirituales
